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Yuba microwave drying application technology

Yuba microwave drying application technology
Microwave drying Unlike traditional drying methods, the direction of the thermal conductivity and water diffusion in the same direction. Compared with the traditional drying method, with drying rate, energy saving, high efficiency, uniform drying, clean production, easy to automate control and improve product quality, etc., which in the dry fields and more attention.
Microwave drying equipment features:
1, save energy: saving energy is the starting point of the heat pump initially applied, is also a major advantage. Traditional drying efficiency of only 3% to 5%, while the microwave drying efficiency will be significantly improved. Microwave drying technology in Yuba dehydration energy saving up to 90%.
2, good quality dry product: Microwave drying is a mild drying mode, close to natural drying. Surface moisture evaporation rate and the internal rate of water close to the surface migration, so that the dried goods of good quality, good color, high-grade products. With the ordinary drying method of aromatic volatile substances retain a small, poor heat resistance, low vitamin retention, greater color change.
3, the drying parameters easily controlled and adjustable range: the drying process, the circulating air temperature, humidity, and the circulation flow rate can be obtained accurately, effective control, and the temperature adjustment range of -20 ~ 100 ℃, relative humidity adjustment range of 15 % ~ 80%, suitable for drying heat sensitive materials.
4, good environment: drying requires not only improve product quality and reduce energy consumption, and must environment-friendly. Based on the same evaluation criteria, microwave on global warming and carbon dioxide emitted power is small compared to. Environmentally friendly advantages of microwave drying.


主要产品推荐: 烘干机  干燥机  杀菌机  微波设备

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