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Microwave drying applications field units of praye

Microwave drying applications field units of prayer and economy
    Materials for the storage and transport require dehydration . Microwave drying is the use of microwave energy to water to steam within the material to achieve the required moisture content of the process.
    Dehydration is a common method for various drying , microwave drying but also has its own personality , summed up in two points : ( a ) the direction of the drying process, the inner layer of the material outward , ie starting with material internal drive to get the water vapor and then gradually so that the overall drying ; ( 2 ) in the low moisture ( <20% ) cases , the drying efficiency is higher than other conventional drying methods . Microwave drying of potato chips is much faster than in the dry hot air . To make the small box -shaped small potatoes (0.3-0.6cm) 2% of the right end of the water off is very difficult . Clearly , microwave drying is particularly suitable for general dehydration applied post- drying , ( 3 ) energy , as compared with other drying methods , which achieve the same effect required drying time is short.
    It should be noted , learning to master the advantages of microwave drying in order to play its strengths, can not be mistaken for those who need to dry field points should use the microwave drying . Technically feasible does not mean that engineering is required. In engineering applications also need to consider input and output efficiency engineering equipment , maintenance of equipment operation , product quality and profitability , and even involve marketing and other issues. Simply put , that is whether to use the microwave drying product processing method is not just a problem of technology or technical level , a comprehensive investigation may be, this is an extremely complex market issues. Here only reduce production costs or energy-saving and other individual indicators to evaluate the economics of microwave drying .
    Example 1 . Fried potato chips have certain requirements of its color , the conventional processing methods is often affected by potato raw materials, production and storage temperature, using a micro drill rules were finally able to solve this problem. From the production tests showed that conventional microwave processing and storage and processing of potato chips production obtained compared to an increase in product yield . The average output per 100 pounds of potatoes more than 2.5 pounds potato chips . To foreign price calculation, if the value of 25 cents per pound of potato chips , a 6000 pounds per hour to be able to produce 1500 pounds raw potato chips production line typical hourly increase in the finished string can have more profit $ 37.50 .
    If you have installed production capacity as described above 50Kw microwave equipment need to invest $ 75,000 to use the five years , working 2000 hours per year calculated microwave equipment depreciation costs $ 7.50 / hour, operating costs $ 2.5 / , the magnetron depreciation $ 1.25 / hour, component repair Code $ 1.30 / hour, due to increased production of microwave equipment and maintain the required total cost of $ 12.55 / hour, apparently it is lower than the finished product due to the use of microwave processing and production of earnings.
    The estimated income from the finished item only shows profit , not including losses as chilled potatoes, peeled and less time to increase revenue.
    Example 2 . A domestic synthetic leather plant transformation, using a set of 120Kw microwave drying apparatus used instead of the original infrared drying device , the output remains unchanged annual 500,000 m2, results of annual saving 650,000 degrees .
    If the microwave drying equipment $ 350,000 , $ 150,000 infrared drying device , the difference between the investment of 20 million yuan, is easy to calculate , excluding infrared dry operating system maintenance costs, annual maintenance costs of microwave equipment is to replace the two main parts, full year replacement magnetron 18 , each 3,500 yuan , a total of 62,000 yuan , 0.35 yuan per kWh electricity .
    The results show that the use of microwave equipment only after saving this one , can be recovered during the year at 1.22 the increase in equipment investment. In other words, at a later time when the electricity savings by the device can be used as a channel to reduce costs , aims to help reduce processing costs , and its economic and social benefits are significant .

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