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Microwave inclusions of bacteria

Microwave inclusions of bacteria
    Many experiments showed that microwave radiation can organize a variety of intracellular enzyme activity decreased , decreased intracellular activity affects cell metabolism, growth and proliferation. The hormones, growth factors and cytokines and other substances of protein kinase signal transduction process is a key enzyme , which includes many kinds of enzymes . Electromagnetic radiation can be reduced cAMP protein kinase activity . Chemical methods using tissue analysis shows that microwave radiation can intracellular phosphatase , alkaline phosphatase , ATP enzyme succinate dehydrogenase activity was reduced.
    Biological molecules can distort the microwave , ion or electron displacement , vibration , rotation ( rotation) or changing the direction of molecular polarity , causing biochemical reactions , change or growth of living cells metabolic state, this mechanism can be in the cell and the molecular level microwave physiological response mechanism .
    Microwave treatment can lead to cell cycle changes . Exposure to low-intensity 2450 Mnz 27MHz farm field and change the cell cycle
Variable , the former is twice the latter . Most studies have shown that low-intensity RF fields do not cause Keegan mutation. But studies suggest that microwave structure of DNA and chromosome have a certain impact . The chromosomal DNA may be between live cells and a microwave resonance action target . Cells at different periods of the sensitivity of the microwave irradiation is different, proliferative phase of the cell more sensitive to microwave irradiation . In a non- synchronized cell population , proliferation activity exuberant cells may absorb more energy , and thus the mitotic cells are more susceptible to injury.

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Copyright: Dongguan Qixie Microwave Equipment Co., Ltd.

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