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Microwave plasma generating method

Microwave plasma generating method
  Commonly used as a microwave discharge device. Magnetron microwave oscillator is generally used, which is due to the magnetron is a self-excitation
Swing pipe, without amplifier, the power circuit is relatively simple reason. And low frequency circuits in the circuit is different, the microwave circuit using the three-dimensional components. The most commonly used transmission line is a rectangular metal waveguide. In order to protect the load side of the magnetron from reflected waves generated damage in the waveguide transmission line to be connected "isolation." In particular, the gas discharge so easy to change the case of load conditions, the isolator is particularly necessary. It allows forward-traveling wave (incident) almost without attenuation through, and the reverse transmission wave (reflected wave) deflection 90. After being simulated load absorbed. Incident and reflected wave power with a directional coupler with a power meter measurement. Most of the use of the transmission line terminal cavity resonator with a combined discharge. To tune match, inserted in the waveguide transmission line in a three-screw matcher.

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