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Microwave knowledge

The structure of microwave heating equipment

The structure of microwave heating equipment
 Microwave heating equipment mainly by the microwave generator, waveguide , microwave energy applicator , material handling systems and control systems and several other components .
    Microwave generator is a key part of the microwave heating apparatus , the part of the magnetron and microwave power , whose main function is to generate microwave energy required for the device , so that this energy is transferred to the corresponding device in the application of microwave energy , and in which different materials to achieve the purpose of processing.
 A microwave guide having a particular size is typically a rectangular or circular cross section of the microwave transmission line, which is to ensure the microwave generator is fed to the microwave energy in the microwave applicators .
 Application of microwave energy is the material in the interaction with the microwave field space , this microwave energy into heat energy, chemical energy , etc., to achieve a variety of materials processing .
Control system is used to regulate a variety of microwave heating device operating parameters device to ensure the device's output power , transmission speed , cooling or exhaust tide agencies, according to provisions of the optimum specification , convenient and flexible adjustment control .
 In summary, the microwave generator and a microwave waveguide transmission systems , application of microwave energy in the microwave heating device is an important component , therefore , will be described below briefly.

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