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History of microwave heating technology applicatio

History of microwave heating technology application development
  Before World War II , the microwave energy technology in its infancy . At that time, the recession and other factors , some of the high-energy tube manufacturers and researchers were forced to seek new uses for microwave tubes , therefore, made ​​a pass microwave heating technology research . Before World War II , on the technical aspects of microwave heating few reports , but after World War II , people
Increasing interest in the technology . Prior to World War II, from 1937 , only a few questions about microwave heating of the patent, but by 1980 , the number of patents has more than 150 a .
In 1954 , the MIT Radiation Laboratory of the Von Hippel published ( dielectric materials and applications " , a book that describes the dielectric properties of the material measurement methods, the polarization of the dielectric material in detail , etc. discourse , and provides more than 600 substances at different frequencies dielectric constant and loss tangent factor for the further application of microwave energy technology research provides an important foundation.
After the 1950s, microwave heating process in the material applied research has been greatly developed.
To the late 1960s to the early 1970s , there are more researchers to concentrate on the application of microwave energy technology up . As in 1965 , M.L.Levinson applied microwave heating material patents, he has used devices were heated ferrite, iron , iron ore, carbon and other materials. Dr. W.Tinga in W.A.Voss and the positive efforts , founded in Canada in 1966, the International Association of microwave energy IMPI, and subsequently founded the microwave energy magazine Journal of Microwave Power ( now renamed the Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic energy, as well as the establishment of the association founded the magazine in the world to further promote the application of microwave energy technology development in 1968 , R.E.Rennet such as microwave plasma sintering of alumina, iron oxide, lead oxide , magnesium oxide male and oxidation , etc., and compared with the traditional method . microwave plasma with traditional methods of comparative sintered alumina can be seen , at the same sintering temperature and time conditions , as compared with the conventional sintering method , the microwave plasma oxidation sintering aluminum has a higher relative density , smaller particle size and a high tensile strength.
70 years , there have been microwave drying , mold wax , melting mica , borosilicate glass , porcelain, alumina, heating and sintering , melting and other research reports .
In the 1980s, microwave slip casting , sintering spark plug insulator semi-industrial tests , and in the glass, various oxides , non- oxides processing , ceramic materials, welding and other fields have a new purpose. Since 1988 , material
Research Association and the American Ceramic Society , held once every two years , respectively, the microwave process materials , Microwave: materials technology theory and application of academic conferences .
In 1990, the German Ceramic Society organized a conference ceramic microwave process .
1991 , the International Association of microwave energy in the Netherlands held the first meeting of microwave chemistry .
In 1992, the American Chemical Society in San Francisco held a polymer material microwave process conferences.
In 1994, Germany held the first session of the European Conference of materials colloquium microwave process . 1996 also held in Germany during the first academic conference materials, microwave , in 1997 , Germany has organized the second European material microwave process
Colloquium proposal.
In China, in November 1974 held in Nanjing, the first national application of microwave energy exchange technical experience , in 1981 the Ministry of Electronics has established a national application of microwave energy promotion stations , and later reorganized as the development center. Since application of microwave energy development center in Sichuan Province , Shanghai Association of microwave energy applications have been established, Chinese Institute of Electronics microwave Institute study group set up under the application of microwave energy , 1983 in Nanjing, China Electronics Association hosted the first session of the National Symposium microwave energy applications , every two years thereafter
Convene a [ 36] a 1993 year was held in Changchun , Jilin summer microwavable

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