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High voltage electric field drying device

High voltage electric field drying device
    Voltage electric field drying apparatus is dried under high electric field of design and development principles . It is a mechatronic product , its structure according to the functions can be divided into four parts: the high voltage generation and control system ; electrode system ; access to materials and transportation systems ; dehumidifying system .
    A high pressure occurs and control system
    High voltage electric field generator is a key component of drying means , to provide energy for the drying means of special equipment. It is the use of single phase 220v or 380v frequency power supply , the principle of electromagnetic induction voltage by changing the input voltage regulator , available 0-50kv AC high voltage. Its core is the core single box , with the cold-rolled silicon steel quartet built . As a non-magnetic material core clamps , coils are concentric cylindrical layers pagoda . Generators and generator housing machined with octagonal shape , the body with epoxy insulating material for the stent is mounted on a large covered immersed in transformer oil , high pressure outlet set a new high-performance insulating materials processing.
    High-pressure generating device is controlled by the auto voltage regulator regulates the output voltage , tune musical instruments, starters and overcurrent protection components are loaded into the control cabinet.
    2 -electrode system
    Electrode system is the use of high voltage power supply via high voltage cable connector , corona electric field component , it is made with a plurality of spaced parallel metallic wires , the consolidation of the metal wire having a uniform set of discharge metal needles , each metal pin and metal lines remain vertical plane formed , pointing in the direction of the metal needle placed a metal mesh material to be dried ( or plate ) , the metal mesh ( or board ) should be well grounded .
     3 out of the feeding system
    Voltage electric field drying apparatus is divided into static and dynamic categories. Static material in the drying apparatus which is stationary , usually designed as box-type , the material out of which requires manual handling. For dynamic i.e. the material in the drying apparatus is in motion, such devices may be designed to transport belt , vibrational Jun transport type.
    4 dehumidifying system
    Dehumidifying system's task is to drying device in the water as soon as possible so irresolute to the outside , so that the material inside the drying device is an ideal dry gradient . Usually in the top of the unit is equipped with exhaust fan , a suitable location inside the device is equipped with temperature and humidity sensors. Of course, also has a suitable position with inlet air filter function .

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