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Microwave drying sterilization techniques fillets

Microwave drying sterilization techniques fillets
Microwave drying sterilization is developed rapidly in the sixties a new technology , products for the microwave drying sterilization equipment . Microwave drying is defined by the microwave energy is converted into thermal energy drying the wet material .
The principle is: the material in the polar molecules ( water molecules ) , and different levels of fat can absorb microwave energy , the AC electric field, the electric field due to time changes , the rotational vibration of polar molecules , resulting in intermolecular mutual friction and health heat , thereby to dry sterilization purposes .
Microwave drying fish production process:
1 , pretreatment : thawed fish, removing heads, fins and other parts, and stripped of the epidermis , so that products get a good taste and appearance .
2 , freezing : the treated low temperature frozen fish , the fish harden , in order to slicing operations , better grasp of the slice thickness .
3 , slice : slice thickness of 2.0-3.0 mm , and the remaining fish separately.
4 , Qu Xing : The fish with a good rinse rinse to remove the fishy smell . Rinse solution is a mixed solution , which contains the mass fraction of 1% sodium bicarbonate , sodium chloride 0.4% mass fraction , rinse soak time of about 15 minutes. After rinsing, rinse with water .
5 , dip flavor: the fish dipped in seasoning liquid with a good soak for about 40 minutes , the amount of fish quality extract 3-4 times . In order to extract uniform fillets integrity check should be carried out slowly stirred soaking .
6 , dehydration: After the dip flavored fish placed in a single layer wire line , placed in an oven to a temperature of 40 ℃ bake until fillets moisture content of 45-50 % .
7 , microwave puffing : the dip flavor dehydrated fish placed in a microwave oven , a microwave switch to high fire file , single place , puffed time of approximately 100 seconds.
8 , drying : after the fish puffed out and placed in an oven at a temperature controlled at 60 ℃, drying time of about 20 minutes for the final drying.

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