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Do not close the door when the microwave oven work

Do not close the door when the microwave oven work

In the use of microwave cooking process, some users prefer to put your face close to the microwave oven door , close-up view of its cooking process , not knowing that this would cause harm to the user 's eye , the eye lens may accelerate aging.

Magnetron of the microwave oven through the low frequency current into high 2450MHz ( MHz ) of high frequency microwave waveguide and the microwave energy through transport into the shell . When heated in a microwave foods, microwave oven microwave electric field changes speeds of up to 2.45 billion times per second , the water molecules in the food with their rotating , oscillating frequency also reached 2.45 billion times per second . Swing and high-speed rotation of molecules each heat generated by friction is very high , which is the thermal effect of microwave , microwave the food is cooked by the Health changed , the principle of the cooler becomes hot .

Therefore, to remind users in the use of microwave ovens in the process, try not to let children access to a microwave , so that the children improper operation and damage their eyes and nervous system. It also advised to regularly check whether the microwave oven door mechanical damage , should open invitation professionals should be timely improper maintenance , to prevent microwave leakage .

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Copyright: Dongguan Qixie Microwave Equipment Co., Ltd.

 24 hour hotline:Mr. Dai:13544892266
