Microwave thawing equipment

No: QX-45HM4

  Microwave thawing equipment is -42 to -18 degrees Celsius for frozen goods penetrating the use of microwave energy rapidly heated to thaw frozen goods bot...

Flesh microwave thawing equipment

No: QX-30HM4

The above parameters are for reference only, flesh microwave thawing device according to the user's actual situation to design and manufacture different specifica...

Juice microwave thawing equipment

No: QX-45HM4

The above parameters are for reference only, juice microwave thawing machine according to the user's actual situation to design and manufacture different sizes of...

Jam microwave thawing machine

No: QX-45HM4

  The above parameters are for reference only, jam microwave thawing machine according to the user's actual situation to design and manufacture different...

Microwave thawing machine

No: QX-22HM3

The above parameters are for reference only, microwave thawing machine according to the user's actual situation to design and manufacture different sizes of micro...

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Address: No. 3 Dongcheng Road, Xin'an Community, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China

Copyright: Dongguan Qixie Microwave Equipment Co., Ltd.

 24 hour hotline:Mr. Dai:13544892266
