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Honeysuckle dryer microwave fixation onto local television

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Dongguan Qi HS Microwave Equipment Co., independent research and development and production of new honeysuckle microwave fixation dryer has been successfully applied in Hubei, Guangdong and other places of honeysuckle planting base, marking the company's microwave technology in honeysuckle processing has made a major breakthrough. After I produced the microwave drying equipment fixing dried honeysuckle degree of drying uniformity, color green, no blackheads, concentrated flavor than traditional methods, the active ingredient retained more, while reducing the exposure of workers and products, reducing man-made pollution, can effectively improve product quality and safety, made ​​a very good economic benefits. This device is also suitable for tea, mulberry tea, Moringa leaves, chrysanthemums and other fast fixing and drying.

     Success Story: "Hubei Mei Zi Gong Tea Group Company Limited", "Hubei Exemplifying honeysuckle planting base", "ZHUXI Yunfeng Tea Co., Ltd.", "Ruyuan County Dongsheng honeysuckle professional cooperatives," "Lechang City nine ridges ecological agriculture cooperatives "The following is an interview with local television Shaoguan Dongsheng honeysuckle professional cooperatives took during video, for the majority of customers to share the video link address

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Address: No. 3 Dongcheng Road, Xin'an Community, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China

Copyright: Dongguan Qixie Microwave Equipment Co., Ltd.

 24 hour hotline:Mr. Dai:13544892266
