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About Huangshanghuang duck solemn declaration microwave baking machine

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Recently, I learned from multiple channels, individual peer theft of my corporate clients (Jiangxi Huangshanghuang Foods Inc.) cases, in order to mislead our customers. We hereby expressly disclaims Jiangxi Huangshanghuang duck Food Co., Ltd. uses microwave baking machine is designed and manufactured, if other companies claim Huangshanghuang duck microwave equipment is already producing, you are cheating mislead customers, hope our customers kept informed, field trips, shop around to avoid being taken.

     1, duck microwave baking machine is my company and Jiangxi Huangshanghuang Food Co., Ltd. After several experiments to explore the hard-earned fruits of cooperation, and traditional microwave baking devices, especially in bloom duck products which block design is unique.

     2, duck microwave baking machine using microwave technology, new energy, must be based on the density of roast duck and microwave technology in order to achieve results, not according to the traditional, conventional design to manufacture.

     3, duck microwave baking machine is a water-cooled magnetron, transformer oil circulation for cooling, the cooling effect is good, long working hours, you can operate non-stop for three consecutive months.

     4, on this basis, the company also developed a large chicken carefully microwave, has been in Malaysia, Qingyuan City, Guangdong rural flavor Food Co., Ltd. put into the production of chicken and get the customer's recognition and appreciation.

     Hereby acknowledged.

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Address: No. 3 Dongcheng Road, Xin'an Community, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China

Copyright: Dongguan Qixie Microwave Equipment Co., Ltd.

 24 hour hotline:Mr. Dai:13544892266
